Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Please tell us your stories

I would love to read your stories.

Stories To Tell

I didn't think that my mom's friend would ever leave such a legacy with me.  Her love of life and appreciation of her surroundings was evident in her laugh and mannerisms, in the way she encountered the different things in her life, the way she carried herself and her home. 
As a child I did not appreciate the "little things" that were really the big things in life, but I always loved being in her environment.  It was warm with color, furniture and her smell.  It was full of things that she collected through her life, they were everywhere.  And she knew that I loved looking at them and never told me not to touch anything.
There were figurines, favors from different occasions, greeting cards and letters written to her...  Her inlaid furniture was dust free and beautiful.  The hand made laces and crochet doilies were in white and ecru done in the finest threads.  
Every woman in my family crotched when I was growing up, they worked in all sorts of threads and colors.  The most amazing piece that they all made was a doily surrounded by ducks, standing ducks.  Both my grandmothers (who sat side by side when they were crocheting) made tons of these, in the brightest loudest colors.  I will take pictures of a couple of these pieces that they gave me for some of my birthdays.  I have to tell you, the funniest part of the duck was the beak.  My grandmothers used the teeth of the comb for the the beaks.  The Five and Dime (Woolworth's) made a mint on my grandmothers!
Eventually my mom's friend decided to go back to the old country. When she left she gave me a few of the pieces that I had admired and we stayed in touch for many years after that.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

These are just a few of the pieces that we carry.  You can see a bigger selection at  www.agoravintagemarkette.com .  Take a tour a tour of our estore and if you have any questions just feel free to email me at sophia@agoravintagemarkette.com.   

Lovable Vintage Things